Informal Inclusion

Informal Inclusion is the title of the work conceived and created by Eugenio Tibaldi for the Malta Art Biennale 2024, exhibited in the Padiglione Italia at Villa Portelli. Commissioned by Fondazione La Rocca, the main sponsor of the project, I documented the production phases and the installation of the work in Malta, exploring the relationship between the artist, the artwork, and the location.

Informal Inclusion is a project by Eugenio Tibaldi, curated by Francesca Guerisoli and Nicolas Martino. The Padiglione Italia at is promoted by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Culturaand the Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma, in partnership with the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, the Ambasciata d’Italia a La Valletta, and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di La Valletta. The project is produced by Fondazione La Rocca.

The photographs are included in the book Informal Inclusion, published by Cura and designed by Walter Santomauro.